Ortiz Leadership Systems wants to be your partner in enhancing the mission and effectiveness of educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities and think tanks) across the United States and internationally. Andrew Ortiz has established himself as a noted scholar in the academic disciplines of Law, Political Science, Public Administration and Public Policy. Moreover, Andrew is a popular writer and speaker on topics related to organizational and personal leadership, management and achievement.
Andrew can work with students, faculty, staff and stakeholders to achieve their level best in a host of ventures. Andrew has worked with student leadership organizations, student government associations, student affairs departments, diversity programs, faculty assemblies and alumni associations across America. Andrew is a former student body president at Arizona State University (1997-98), the nation’s largest public university, and helped to found the American Student Government Association (ASGA) and the SG consulting Group in Gainesville, Florida. Andrew has been a featured speaker with several influential national student leadership programs such as the National College Student Leadership Conference and LeaderShape.
Andrew Ortiz is available to speak to and consult with educational and scholarly organizations in your communities, and he brings with him the skills and success track record of Ortiz Leadership Systems to every project or event that he is involved with. Bring Ortiz Leadership Systems to your campus or institution today, and let us inspire your people to achieve greatness.