“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
-Abraham Lincoln
The famous American First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said that, “Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product.” To a large extent this is true, because if we commit ourselves to being happy and purposeful people, we are likely destined to live happy and purposeful lives.
Harold Nicolson once said that, “Happiness springs from intense activity in congenial surroundings.” We should seek to surround ourselves with happy and positive people and we should also seek to inspire happiness in others through our own countenance and demeanor.
In my own life, I derive happiness from several things. I am a man who is fiercely devoted to family and friends. I have a beautiful and talented wife and a splendid family that I love very much. I have a cadre of wonderful friends and colleagues throughout the United States and around the world that inspire me and enrich my life on a daily basis.
I am perhaps my happiest self when I am traveling, seeing new places, and meeting new friends. I also enjoy discovery and exploration. I am an avid reader, writer, public speaker, leadership trainer, management consultant, success coach and a “perpetual student.” New ideas fascinate me and compel me to seek out new areas of growth and continued development in my life.
The Ancient Greeks defined happiness as “Full use of your powers along lines of excellence.” I think this age-old definition still holds true today. Go out and seek your happiness, and always know that happiness is an “inside job.” You control your destiny to be happy and content in life. I always remind myself of this fact, by uttering the mantra, “If it is to be, it’s up to me!”
Wishing you the greatest of happiness in your journey. You deserve it!
-Andy Ortiz, J.D., M.P.A., President and CEO, Ortiz Leadership Systems, LLC. – www.ortizleadership.com